From Now On
The Educational Technology Journal
Vol 10|No 1|September|2000
Finding Your Way
Clearing the Smog: |
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Using data is a process that begins with the conceptualization of what it is you want to do and why you want to do it. In essence, this requires brainstorming and reflection on behalf of the school in an effort to develop and ask fundamentally good questions. In fact, before thinking about adapting any tool, whether free or not, you should try to articulate and document answers to questions similar to these:
To illustrate this process in a case, imagine the arrival of a new Director of Technology vested with improving the schools technology. Sally (we might call her) would be interested in answering the following:
Reason for collecting data
What beginning questions are you seeking answers to?
What information is necessary to answer these questions?
What method is best to collect this information without investing too much time on behalf of participants? Who should participate?
What questions did other schools or districts attempt to answer?
What other research can I do to improve the quality of questions?
Resources such as the following are excellent for school case studies written by individuals involved in this process:
Data Collection
In the grand scheme of things, reflection is the most important phase of a data collection and analysis process. Consider the fact that the questions you form will drive the information that you collect. Consequently, be patient and attempt to consider diverse perspectives. As William James once wrote, "[g]enius, in truth, means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way."
Second, after reflecting on important driving questions, you will need to think about the collection of data as a cultural process. In other words, prior to implementing a data collection process, consider what potential barriers will exist. Data collection is often perceived as simply a rationale activity to inform decision-making. Historically, and all too frequently today, data is collected for summative evaluative purposes; school administrators evaluate teacher performance once or twice a year. Due to this reality, the culture of schools can resist the introduction of new data collection.
For example, if the collection of data is not a normal function of the school environment or data is only collected to evaluate performance at the end of a year in a summative fashion, faculty members may be intimidated by the introduction of a data collection process. In fact, many staff members may resist a call for data without knowing how this information will be used and why it is being collected. Recall your experiences and feelings when school policies and practices change without notice or you were asked to provide personal info without justification. Moreover, data collection initially requires building trust. In an effort to facilitate support, be open with all participants. I call this process "transparency." Rationales and objectives should be transparent for those who will be involved in taking valuable professional time to engage in answering survey questions, interview questions, or focus group activities.
Transparency will be guaranteed with further ethical considerations about the privacy and use of data. In other words, the use of the information that you gather must be an ethical consideration embedded in your reflection of your institutions norms and potential resistance by faculty members. With ethical considerations, ask the following questions:
These questions are critical to the entire process and must be considered far in advance with prime stake holders being involved in the discussion. But, more importantly, share this information openly with participants. This will lead to increased professional trust.
Analyzing: Data Driven Decision Making
Prior to identifying a data collection tool or combination of tools, it is prudent to develop hypotheses and consider analysis techniques. By thinking about the analysis stage prior to adapting a tool to your needs, you will choose a tool aligned more closely with your needs.
Lets return to our hypothetical technology director. During this phase of analysis, she wants to test assumptions and measure the impact of programs. From research on innovation and technology professional development, she anticipates a five level growth process to occur. For each level, she has planned specific types of professional development activities and support mechanisms.
Educational Technology Use and Implementation Growth Process
. |
Level I |
Level II |
Level III |
Level IV |
Level V |
Participant Perspective Target |
Personal Productivity |
Professional Productivity |
Professional Enrichment |
Paradigm Shift |
Vision |
Role of Teacher in PD Process |
Learner |
Adopter |
Adapter |
Refiner |
Leader |
Focus of PD |
Individual Growth |
Support Instruction |
Enrich Instruction |
Support Assessment |
Student-Centered Learning |
PD Product |
Mentor, Modeling, On-line Just-in-time (JIT), Physical & Virtual Help Desk, Workshops, Lunch Bytes |
Mentor, Modeling, On-line JIT, Workshops, help desk, resource search engine, Lunch Bytes |
Mentor, modeling, On-line JIT, workshops, resource search engine, Lunch Bytes |
Virtual mentor, mentor modeling, On-line JIT, workshops, resource search engine |
Virtual collegial collaboration, incentive, facilitation opportunities, showcase; resource search engine |
Adapted from Sherry et al. (2000); Rogers, (2000); Rogers (1983); Hall & Horde (1987)
At each level of professional growth, she has conceptualized appropriate themes and topics for that level. Her assumption is that these issues, skills, and knowledge are aligned with the level they are meant to operate in under this model. These hypotheses have been generated based on past experience and research. But, to verify these, she will need to collect data for each activity at each level. Once data is collected, she will need to analyze this information and determine how closely Her assumptions were met. If incongruence exists, she should conduct follow-up interviews and administer surveys to determine the reasons that staff members perceive.
Professional Development Topics/Themes by Growth Level
Personal Productivity |
Professional Productivity |
Professional Enrichment |
Paradigm Shift |
Vision |
Utilizing E-mail |
Content Specific Web Sites |
Building & Using Web Quests |
Project Based Learning |
Conducting Action Research |
Utilizing the WWW |
Power Point for Learning |
Curriculum Mapping |
Performance Based Assessment |
Electronic Collaboration |
Word Processing Basics |
Professional Listserv |
Ethics & Privacy |
Case Models (e.g., ICON) |
Web Based Learning |
Spread Sheet Basics |
Free Professional Web Resources |
Gender Equity |
Student Centered Instruction |
Using a Search Engine |
Advanced Web Search Engine |
Ergonomics |
Advanced tech based assessment |
Form Letters |
Building a course web site |
Learning Contests on the WWW |
Advanced asynchronous learning support |
Web Resources for personal use |
Technology supported Assessment |
Asynchronous learning support |
Advanced course web site |
After reflecting on these topics and the anticipated growth, she has also articulated assumptions about what she expects as an outcome of the professional development activities. Since personal and professional productivity emerge together, these two categories have been combined. In preparation for measuring the impact of professional development offerings, she will use an initial needs assessment to capture technology use and perceptions about the value of technology in education. This needs assessment has two fundamental purposes: (1) to collect data on staff technology use; and (2) to gather data on faculty perceptions toward technology. Furthermore, data can be used to measure the constructivist orientation of teachers. Recently, several studies have confirmed the connection between constructivism and technology access and use - see Becker, 1998; Rockman,1998. Initially, his or her objective was to conduct research on what was known about technology use and beliefs/practices in an effort to establish initial assumptions and hypotheses. With this data, she can test assumptions as well as generate new ones. She will then compare a pre-assessment with a post-assessment at the end of the semester and again at the end of the year as well as collect frequent data for formative decision-making.
Expected Minimum Product & Service Completion by Cohort Group
Level I/II |
Level III |
Level IV |
Level V |
Participant Perspective Target |
Personal & Professional Productivity |
Professional Enrichment |
Paradigm Shift |
Vision |
Role of Teacher |
Learner & Adopter |
Adapter |
Refiner |
Leader |
Focus of Products |
Support Individual & Instruction |
Enrich Instruction |
Support Assessment |
Student-Centered Learning |
Objective Minimum Production |
Use of web based resources to support instruction Basic course web site Increased use of personal IT tools |
Participate in web contest Participate in content collaboration with school or organization Advanced web site |
Introduction of performance based assessment (PBA) Introduction of project based learning (PBL) Increase use of asynchronous learning support Increased use of electronic collaboration |
Action research project Enhanced use of web based learning Virtual collaboration Embedded use of asynchronous learning support, PBL, and PBA |
By using a pre/post design, our hypothetical technology director can assess the overall impact of their program for the year.
Gathering Data: Free Online Data Collection Tools
At this stage of the cycle, you have articulated a purpose as well as identified what information is essential to collect. And, you have also made an effort to identify characteristics of information and use as well as share the reasons for collecting information with relevant participants. In addition, you have considered analysis techniques and hypothesis generation. Now, and only now, are you are ready to seek out appropriate educational technology tools.
Many web-based tools have emerged in the past several years to support school district efforts to manage data smog. The following tools are available for free and offer a variety of options for schools to collect and analyze opinions and status-quos among staff.
A variety of tools are now available to teachers and administrators to improve the systemic collection and analysis of data. I offer a few here in the hope that you can utilize these to support your good questions. As you review these tools, consider how you could apply these at various stages in the process.
Managing information and data requires a reflective and strategic process - one that becomes a continual part of the cultural norm of an education institution. We, as education professionals, can no longer operate in data-free zones, but, rather, we must begin to engage in on-going perpetual reflective data collection and analysis. I have always maintained that professionalism requires being comfortable with change because perpetual self-reflection requires evolving a growing as an individual and organization. Becoming more comfortable with change and managing data requires a systemic process:
Engage in this process and you will begin to manage the data smog more effectively and strategically.
References Becker, H. J. (1998). Teaching, Learning, and Computing: 1998. Irvine, CA: Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations. [On-line]. Available at: http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/html/findings.html Hall, G.E. & Hord, S.M. (1987). Change in schools: Facilitating the process. Albany, NY: State University of New York. Kongshem, L. (1999, September). Smart Data: Mining the School District Data Warehouse. Electronic School. [On-line]. Available at: http://www.electronic-school.com/199909/0999f1.html Mckenzie, J. (1998). Emerging from the Smog: Making Technology Assessment Work for Schools. From Now On, 7 (5). [On-line]. Available at: http://www.fno.org/feb98/cov98feb.html Rockman et al. (1998). The Laptop Program. San Francisco, CA: Author. [On-line]. Available at: http://rockman.com/projects/laptop/ Rogers, D. L. (2000). A paradigm shift: Technology integration for higher education in the new millennium. Education Technology Review, 13, 19 27. Rogers. E. (1996). The diffusion of innovations. (4th ed.). New York: Free Press. Sherry, L., Billig, S., Tavalin, F. & Gibson, D. (2000, February). New insights on technology adoption in schools. The Journal. [On-line]. Available at: http://www.thejournal.com/magazine/vault/A2640.cfm Slowinski, J. (2000, September/October). The gap between preparation and reality in training teachers to use technology. Technology Horizon. [On-line]. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/TS/commentary/2000-09.asp Slowinski, J. (1999). Internet in America's Schools: Potential Catalysts for Policy Makers. First Monday, 4 (1). [On-line]. Available at: http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_1/slowinski/index.html Williams, C. (2000). Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-99 (NCES 2000-086). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. [Online]. Available at: http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2000086 |
Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie.
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